
You HAVE to check out our recipes! Every cuisine imaginable infused with cannabis oil!

Cook herbal infusions like a Pro! My TOP recommended infusion cooking products.

Limited Edition Chef Buds Gear! Check out our farm to table merchandise.

   Chef Buds

Cannabis Cuisine Infusion: Only the very best in herbal cusine infusion cooking! Recipes & products to help you in the kitchen.

With the passion and love for diversity comes Dave’s strong appreciation for fine cuisine. Chef Buds (ie: Dave Weis) incorporates his past with his future and brings a modern day spin on infusion cooking. Crafting delectable medical grade cannabis and other medicinal infused cuisines. Chef Buds has become the “go to” guy for private party catering gaining an audience among celebrities. Check out Chef Buds latest TV episodes and his most recent feature in Culture Magazine.

Cannabis Infused Recipes!

Are you an expert or novice at cooking? Doesn’t matter! You’ll love our easy to follow cannabis infusion recipes! Each recipe goes into depth with a step-by-step guide including ingredients all listed accordingly to how much you want to bake (or get baked)!

Check Them Out!

Levo Oil Infuser

The product of over five years of development and engineering, LEVO is the first device designed exclusively for infusing oil and butter.

Check Them Out!